Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Can Anyone Top Lolo Jones?

If there is a race for the most classy athlete in track and field, Lolo would probably win? Her explanation to the millions watching on the spur of the moment after hitting the ninth hurdle out of ten was incredible.

Let's just say, Lolo made some new fans.

By Jay Hicks.


  1. 1st of all I like the new Prerace Jitters Widget. 2nd of all why is Lolo Jones and Asics athlete wearing a nike warm up jacket?

    did i miss something?

  2. Hey John: Great point! This interview was taken in Beijing.

    While in Beijing, U.S. athletes were required to wear the Team USA uniforms which included jackets, the official outfitter was--you guessed it NIKE!

    Genius, huh? Meaning Nike found a way to get all the U.S. athletes show in Nike gear, even those on the roster's of other companies.

    Thanks for stopping by John.


    Prerace Jitters
